Dr Pauline Ravinet is Assistant Professor of Political Science at CERAPS, University of Lille. Her research focuses on the emergence and governance of the European Higher Education Area, and, more generally, European knowledge policies. She is the co-editor of the best-selling Dictionnaire des politiques publiques and authored articles and chapters on the Bologna Process in different refereed journals and edited books. Together with Dr Meng-Hsuan (NTU Singapore), she has worked on a research project on “Higher Education Regionalism” (2014-2018), comparing higher education regional initiatives in Europe and Southeast Asia. She is also exploring the recomposition of Higher education cooperation in the context of globalisation in her on going habilitation research. Pauline is also Vice-President for European Affairs of the University of Lille, member of the editorial committee of Gouvernement et Action Publique and Policy Design and Practice, a nominated member of the Council of the Association française de science politique and the International Public Policy Association, and member of the Expert Board of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Direction Europe de l’Ouest). She is co-author of the S4D4C case study ‘The science and diplomacy of global challenges: Food security in EU-Africa relations’, contributed to the transversal analysis of the case studies and several events organised in the frame of the project. You can read HERE an interview with her published in the series of our “researcher’s voices” where she discusses diversity issues in science diplomacy.