Dr Nadia Meyer has a background in social sciences: she studied Japanese studies and sociology at the Universities of Bonn (Germany) and Kumamoto (Japan). In 2004 she started working for the German Aerospace Center/ Project Management Agency DLR-PT. In her role as a senior scientific officer, she subsequently has been responsible for bilateral cooperation with Japan, the Russian Federation, Israel, Sub-sahara Africa, Turkey and the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. From 2009-2011 she was delegated to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research where she worked on the German research policy with Northern Africa and the Middle East and served as a member of the EU-Commissions Euro-Mediterranean Group of Senior Officials in Research and Innovation. In the past years, she was also involved in several European programmes and collaborations, such as Inco-Net CAAST Net (Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Between Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe), ERANETMED ( Eranet for coordinating research activities between EU Member states and Mediterranean Partner Countries) and PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area). She works in the DLR-PT Strategy and Monitoring Division that supports the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The main tasks for which the division is in charge include implementing the Federal Government’s internationalization strategy in Education, Science and Research, monitoring international relations with key partners as well as the strategic development of international cooperation in the future. In S4D4C her focus lies on the impact monitoring of the project, the support of case studies and the development of training for science diplomats. She also contributed to several project events. Nadia shared her thoughts about the European Science Diplomacy course HERE, together with other colleagues.