Maria Josten studied Banking & Finances at the University of Varna, Bulgaria and Political Economics at the University of Bonn, Germany. Since 2005, she has been working for the German Aerospace Center/ Project Management Agency (DLR) in the field of European and International Cooperation in Bonn, Germany. She has been a Senior Scientific Officer, responsible for S&T collaboration with Russia for eight years. In the past years she was also involved in several European Programmes and Collaborations with Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia such as IncoNet EECA (e.g. preparation of the White paper on Opportunities and Challenges in View of Enhancing the EU Cooperation with Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South Caucasus in Science, Research, and Innovation, 2012) 2008-2012; IncoNet CA/SC (e.g. Mission in Central Asia) 2010-2012; IncoNet EaP / IncoNet CA (e.g. providing recommendations and experts, implementation of twinning activities) 2013-2016; Bilat RUS Advanced (e.g. EU-Russia Year of Science, Coordination) 2013-2015; and Black Sea Horizon (e.g. Concept for Joint Call) 2015-2018. She works in the DLR-PT Strategy and Monitoring Division that supports the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The main tasks for which the division is in charge include implementing the Federal Government’s internationalization strategy in Education, Science and Research, monitoring international relations with key partners as well as the strategic development of international cooperation in the future. In S4D4C, Maria led the work package on ‘Training and knowledge resources for science diplomats’; she contributed to several events as speaker and co-authored S4D4C’s training materials and training toolkits. Maria was one of the interviewees of our series “Researcher’s Voices” HERE.