Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission

JRC is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy. The JRC is an active player in the global arena, involved in strategic international cooperation gathering partners worldwide, working on a diverse range of scientific fields. Such agreements, which are mostly bilateral with public and private research organisations, universities and national and international bodies, allow sharing of infrastructure, laboratory equipment, data materials as well as transferring knowledge. Some agreements also have a more political profile or facilitate compatible standardisation or joint measurements (e.g. across the Atlantic through agreements with the United States). Another example is the JRC’s support to the Danube Strategy, which seeks to improve the economic development across the region and boost growth and jobs through better policymaking and funding which also involves non-EU Member States (e.g. Moldova, countries in the Western Balkans, parts of Ukraine). The international relations in the context of research projects focus on key priority countries (USA, Brazil, China, India, Japan), international organisations (e.g. UN, OECD, WHO, World Bank) and regional entities (e.g. African Union Commission) where sharing of knowledge bring benefits to the JRC and the global scientific community.

A specific example is the dissemination of the “Smart Specialisation” concept worldwide (see here). Smart Specialisation can act as a driver of place-based economic transformation agendas globally with a “Made in EU” touch for territorial development policies led by innovation. Mutual learning processes also open up avenues for collaboration, as well as new business and investment opportunities. The concept allows to tailor research and innovation policies to national, regional and local contexts and can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Further relevant knowledge resources: Please see the entry on the EU Scientific Advice Mechanism, Group of Chief Scientific Advisory and SAPEA and use the search function or filter for the topic “Science Advice”.

Keywords: Science advice, Scientific tools and databases, Patents and technologies, Standardisation

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Marie Croce

Posted by Marie Croce