European Science Diplomacy Online Course

***Course Update: The S4D4C European Science Diplomacy Online Course was produced in 2019/20 with a first update in February/March 2021 by the S4D4C consortium. Although the project ended on 30 April 2021, the course is maintained online under the auspice of the S4D4C website by the European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance until further notice (at least the end of 2022, most likely until 2025). The latest update of the course was implemented in April 2022.***

Dear user,

Welcome to the S4D4C European Science Diplomacy Online Course.

Allow us to provide you with some informative answers!


If you are any of the professionals listed below, or simply a student interested in science diplomacy, this is the right online course for you!

  • Diplomat/ Embassy staff
  • Science and Technology Counsellor/ Attaché/ Science adviser
  • Funding manager
  • European Union civil servants, representatives of the European External Action Service (EEAS), policy officers, etc.
  • National civil servants in ministries and agencies
  • Coordinator of an EU project (e.g. Horizon Europe)
  • Scientists in research organisations, universities and enterprises


This S4D4C European Science Diplomacy Online Course is available on our website and you can complete it from your home, study room, office, library or anywhere.


Although the course (learning modules 2-7) takes approximately 15 hours, you are the master of your own time! After creating your user profile the platform saves the progress of your learning automatically, so next time you log in just continue wherever you left it in your previous session.


This S4D4C European Science Diplomacy Online Course benefits from a theoretical as well as a practical dimension. It will allow you to:

  • Get familiar with the international science system.
  • Get familiar with the international policy system.
  • Understand the complex interface between science, diplomacy, and international policy.
  • Hear about European and national practices of science diplomacy.
  • Learn about thematic examples and cases in science diplomacy
  • Improve your soft and transferable skills.

Once you have completed the online course, you will automatically receive a personalised certificate.


This S4D4C European Science Diplomacy Online Course is completely free of charge for you. The launching of the platform has been funded within the EU project S4D4C by the European Commission. The successful completion of the course is awarded by a personalised certificate. Our online course offers you eight modules, in which six modules (2-7) include the learning content:

  • Module 1: How to Get Started? This module aims to advise you how to use the S4D4C online platform. It does not contain learning material.
  • Module 2: What Is Science Diplomacy? This module sets the context of the state of the art in science diplomacy, conceptual approaches, type of professionals involved, critical aspects etc.
  • Module 3: Who Are the Science Diplomacy Stakeholders? It briefly describes stakeholders and networks in science diplomacy at the local, national, regional and global level.
  • Module 4: How Does the European Union Practice Science Diplomacy? The aim of this module is to focus on the current state of science diplomacy within the European Union (EU), understanding the political structure of the EU, the EU science and innovation system and lastly the science diplomacy ecosystem.
  • Module 5: What National, Regional, and Thematic Approaches of Science Diplomacy Exist? This module gives you an overview of different science diplomacy strategies and instruments across countries, regions, and topics (food security, water, health) of interest around the world.
  • Module 6: What Set of Skills Do I Need to Be a Good Science Diplomat? This module helps you to reflect on your own skills and to identify those you need to improve to be effective in science diplomacy.
  • Module 7: Hands on! Case Studies. This module gives you practical insights into science diplomacy cases and summarises the main findings of the empirical analysis undertaken by the two EU projects, S4D4C and InsSciDE.
  • Module 8: How Can You Dive Deeper into the Topic? This module contains a list with additional references to deepen your knowledge in the field of science diplomacy. This content is voluntary but it needs to be marked as “complete” to pass your course.


All modules are structured in lessons and topics.

All learning modules (2-7) start with an introductory lesson with the learning objectives and experts’ preliminary insights, and finish with a lesson containing  brainstorming questions and a quiz. Module 1 describes in detail the structure and navigation of the online course.

Have we convinced you? If so, please register below! Just enter your first and last name, e-mail as well as password and click on the button “register”. Please make sure that you have typed your full names correctly – this data will be used for issuing your certificate at the end of the online course.

For any questions regarding the course please contact us at

Good start and have fun!

The S4D4C team

You can register for the course here

Already registered? Please log in here

Creative Commons License
The material provided under this course is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.