Category: Stakeholder’s voice

Stakeholder’s voices #8: A conversation with Katalin Aföldi, COST
For this stakeholder’s voice, we asked Katalin Alföldi, Policy Officer with a portfolio on international cooperation at the COST Association – one of Europe’s longest-running funding instrument supporting scientific networks. The COST president Paolo Ferrao …

Stakeholder’s voices #7: Breaking Barriers with Anindita Bhadra from The Global Young Academy
Anindita Bhadra is the co-chair of the Global Young Academy, an organization connecting and mobilizing young scientists around the world. The GYA aims at empowering young researchers so that they can access international dialogue and …

Insights from Commissioner Mariya Gabriel “Towards Science Diplomacy in the European Union”
This article has been written by Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth in October 2020. We are very grateful to her and her cabinet for acknowledging our project and its results. …

Stakeholder’s voices #6: A conversation with the Central European Initiative
For this stakeholder’s voice, we contacted Nina Kodelja, Deputy Secretary General, and Alessandro Lombardo, Senior Executive Officer of the Central European Initiative (CEI). The CEI is the first intergovernmental forum for regional cooperation ever established …

Stakeholder’s voices #5: A conversation with the co-chairs of the InterAcademy Partnership: Peggy Hamburg and Krishan Lal
For our fifth stakeholder voice, we spoke to Peggy Hamburg and Krishan Lal from our associated partner the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP). The IAP is a global network of the world’s academies of science, medicine and …

Stakeholder’s voices #4: A conversation with Alexander Sokolov, Moscow Higher School of Economics
For our fourth stakeholder voice, we contacted Alexander Sokolov from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow in May 2020 through email. The Higher School of Economics (HSE) is one of our six associated partners …

Stakeholder’s voices #3: A conversation with Chagun Basha, DST – Centre for Policy Research at Indian Institute for Science
For our third stakeholder voice, we contacted B. Chagun Basha, who is currently a visiting scholar at the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India)–Centre for Policy Research (DST-CPR) at the Indian Institute for …

Stakeholder’s voices #2: A conversation with Julia MacKenzie, Center for Science Diplomacy at AAAS
Science Diplomacy is fostered through the work of many actors around the world. For our second stakeholder voice, we contacted Julia MacKenzie, Senior Director for International Affairs at the American Association for the Advancement of …

Stakeholder’s voices #1: A conversation with Jan-Marco Müller, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
S4D4C members travelled to Laxenburg, to an associated partner of the S4D4C project: the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), an independent, international research institute which conducts policy-oriented research into issues that are too …