Category: Researcher’s voice

Final Researcher’s voice: An interview with the project coordinator Elke Dall
Elke is senior researcher and project manager at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), in Vienna, Austria. She has been the project coordinator of the S4D4C project since the beginning of 2019. Her background is …

Notes on navigating both worlds from Marga Gual Soler
For this new researchers’ voice, S4D4C team member Marga is sharing her insights with us. Marga is a scientist engaged in the advancement of science diplomacy and the founder of SciDipGLOBAL. She has collaborated on …

Pauline Ravinet: For a more diverse science diplomacy
For this new researchers’ voice, S4D4C team member Pauline Ravinet is answering our questions. Pauline is Assistant Professor of Political Science at CERAPS and is the Vice President for European Affairs at the University of …

What about diplomats? Insights from Susanne Keppler-Schlesinger & Maximilian Huck
Science diplomacy is made of individuals of many different backgrounds, blurring the lines between diplomacy and science. In this researchers’ voice, SD4DC team members, Susanne Keppler-Schleisinger and Maximilian Huck elaborate on the multifaceted role of …

The SCIENCE in Science Diplomacy: Perspectives from Peter McGrath from TWAS
There is no science diplomacy without the substantial involvement of scientists. Scientists know that and have increasingly shown more interests in science policy. However, most traditional scientific training does not prepare scientists to interact outside …

Meet Maria Josten and Nadia Meyer (DLR) and Lorenzo Melchor, Ana Elorza, and Izaskun Lacunza (FECYT) on the launch of the S4D4C science diplomacy online course
Learning the practice: With the launch of its European Science Diplomacy Online Course the S4D4C project reached a major project milestone After months of preparation, the S4D4C European Science Diplomacy Online Course has been released …

Meet Mitchell Young, Charles University Prague, discussing the S4D4C case report and the background of its preparation
On the occasion of the publication of S4D4C’s latest project outcome “Science Diplomacy in the Making: Case-based insights from the S4D4C project”, we talk to Mitchell Young, assistant professor at Charles University in Prague, who …

Meet Katja Mayer (ZSI) discussing open science as a tool for science diplomacy
On the occasion of the World Science Day for Peace and Development, November 10, which is dedicated in 2019 to the theme of Open Science (see information provided by UNESCO in relation to the topic …

Discussing science diplomacy governance frameworks: Meet Stefan Kuhlmann and Gonzalo Ordoñez-Matamoros, University of Twente
Just after S4D4C’s 2nd Networking Meeting in Berlin, a dedicated co-creation workshop for discussing S4D4C’s science diplomacy governance framework has taken place on the next day. We have been there to meet the team behind …

Planning our next big event: Meet Elke Dall (ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation) and Tim Flink (DZHW – German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies)
Planning the Berlin Networking Meeting What are your ambitions for S4D4C? Elke: As coordinator it is particularly important for me that the project activities make an impact on the political landscape, for example to join …