Category: Open-lab notebook

European Science Diplomacy Conference in Madrid – 5 years after the “Madrid Declaration”
5 years after the S4D4C conference in December 2018 which adopted the Madrid Declaration, Science Diplomacy is back in Madrid! Under the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, the First EU Science Diplomacy …

S4D4C has come to an end – long live European Union Science Diplomacy
Each project has a beginning and an end – for S4D4C these were January 1, 2018 (although one could argue that it started with the planning and proposal preparation phase already earlier) and April 30, …

Insights from the S4D4C community: results from our final survey
The S4D4C project is coming to an end and so we currently reflect a lot on our activities and impacts. In January, we also launched a “concluding survey” to collect information about our community and …

Nominations for the AAAS David and Betty Hamburg Award for Science Diplomacy open
The AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy, an associated partner to the S4D4C project, accepts nominations for the 2022 award from April 15 through June 30, 2021. The AAAS David and Betty Hamburg Award for Science …

Feedback to the renewal of the EU’s international cooperation strategy (EU Global Approach)
The European Commission scheduled to renew its international cooperation strategy (Global Approach to Research, Innovation, Education and Youth) to replace the 2012 version. This was mentioned also during our final conference by Commissioner Gabriel and …

Wrapping Up: S4D4C Final Networking Meeting a few days later
The figures From 15-19th March, the S4D4C project organized its virtual final networking meeting. The conference aimed at bringing together and strengthening a European and global science diplomacy community. The S4D4C partners decided to make …

Launching of a EU Science Diplomacy Alliance
At the final meeting of S4D4C, the three cluster projects and their partners announced the launch of an EU Science Diplomacy Alliance for Addressing Global Challenges. According to the most recent publication from the S4D4C …

European Science Diplomacy Online Course updated
In May 2020 the S4D4C project launched the European Science Diplomacy Online Course – at the end of last year more than 6.000 trainees have started the course, 600 of them have already received a …

Gender in science diplomacy and S4D4C
Day of Women in Science – Women in Science Diplomacy The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated on 11 February and at S4D4C we want to use this occasion to briefly …

S4D4C’s Concluding Science Diplomacy Survey – closed
We have launched a concluding survey before the end of our project to receive some final reflections from the community. It should not take you longer than 10 minutes to fill and will include the …