Category: Events

Hands on! Science Diplomacy in Action – S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series 6: Review
Our last interactive webinar on our online course took place on the 17th of December 2020. Practical examples of science diplomacy are key to the understanding of what science diplomacy is. A mixed team of …

Science Diplomacy in the Mediterranean: An S4D4C and Union for the Mediterranean Joint Event
On the 15th and 16th December 2020, S4D4C and the Union for the Mediterranean organised a joint workshop to explore the role of science diplomacy in the Mediterranean. The workshop was attended by more than …

EU Science Diplomacy in the Post-COVID Era: a discussion with EURAXESS North America
EURAXESS North America leads a webinar addressing the current state of European science diplomacy and various topics surrounding the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the opportunities ahead based on lessons …

Science Diplomacy Skills: Roundtable and Interactive Exercise – S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series 5
The 5th S4D4C Webinar took place on the 3rd December 2020It was based on Module 6 of the S4D4C European Science Diplomacy online course on Science Diplomacy Skills. The practice of science diplomacy encompasses a …

Europe and Canada addressing global challenges together: science diplomacy as a strategic approach
S4D4C has pulled together a panel for the 12th Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC 2020). The event took place during the opening parallel sessions on November 16. CSPC ran from November 16-20 as an online …

What Are National and Regional Approaches of Science Diplomacy? S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series 4
One way to identify national (or regional) approaches to science diplomacy (SD) is to scrutinize documents from national and international diplomatic contexts in which diplomacy meets science and vice versa. You may find policy guidelines …

What are the EU practices in Science Diplomacy? S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series 3
In the last years, the European Commission has strongly embraced science diplomacy as a fundamental tool of external relations and as a means to leverage the impact of European research and innovation framework programmes. Although …

Report launch event: “Science Diplomacy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Strategies, Mechanisms, and Perspectives”
Our S4D4C team member Marga Gual Soler has authored a new science diplomacy report for the UNESCO Regional Office for Science for Latin America and the Caribbean. The policy paper “Science Diplomacy in Latin America …

European Research Days 2020: Australia & New Zealand Edition
On November 27, S4D4C participates in the European Research Days 2020 (#ERD2020) Australia & New Zealand edition. The European Research Days are organized by EURAXESS Worldwide which is a platform on researchers’ mobility present in …

NanoSafety researchers: “Science Diplomacy: A New Way to Think About Your Role in a Community of Research”
In the spirit of the nanoSAFE2020 conference, SAbyNA organises on November 23rd a training session on “Science Diplomacy: A New Way to Think About Your Role in a Community of Research”. The first part of …