S4D4C’s 2nd Networking Meeting (European)

‘Towards a European Science Diplomacy Roadmap’

10 October 2019, Berlin

S4D4C hosts networking meetings to facilitate effective and efficient interfaces of European science diplomacy actors. The first S4D4C networking meeting was held in Madrid in December 2018. The Madrid event (a global networking meeting) set up the global scene by bringing together an international group of experts and science diplomats, among them national science advisors, science and technology attachés and diplomats. As a result of these fruitful discussions the “Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy” was signed by a group of high-level experts who contributed to the conference. This discussion was continued in a 2nd European networking meeting in Berlin with a focus on EU science diplomacy practices. S4D4C also presented key results from its work to all relevant stakeholders.

This event aimed at fostering a joint discussion about the visions, achievements, challenges and principles of a European science diplomacy. The topics addressed included EU SD priorities, how to open up the ERA to even more international collaboration, the state of affairs of cooperation and communication on science diplomacy in Europe and how to strengthen connections between different stakeholders.

The goal of the event was to identify science diplomacy drivers and barriers, as well as recent advances and challenges ahead, putting together a set of recommendations for all relevant stakeholders (institutions, governments, civil society, academia and private sector).

As a result of S4D4C’s 2nd European Meeting on Science Diplomacy in Berlin in October 2019, we have published a video promoting the importance of science diplomacy, providing information on special activities in selected scientific fields and sharing information about current S4D4C initiatives. The video was produced by DLR – German Aerospace Center/ Project Management Agency on behalf of S4D4C.

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