Month: September 2020

Romancing science for global solutions
One of S4D4C’s mission is to increase the conceptual understanding of science diplomacy addressing global challenges. This also includes a critical review of how the concept is currently used to better understand and use it. …

S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series: Exchange views and build your science diplomacy community!
In May 2020 we launched an online course on European science diplomacy. Almost 5,000 students have registered – this surpasses our expectations. Based on the feedback of the course participants and aiming to seize the …

Shaping science diplomacy for Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is the ninth European Research and Innovation Framework Programme (2021-2027) and successor programme of Horizon 2020 which is co-funding also the S4D4C project activities. The strategic plan, rules of participation and guidelines for …

Critical perspective on Science Diplomacy in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy
S4D4C team member Tim Flink published an article entitled “The sensationalist Discourse of Science Diplomacy: A critical reflection”. This piece is part of the series of special articles that S4D4C researchers have contributed to The …

“The ‘Matters’ of Science Diplomacy: Transversal Analysis of the S4D4C Case Studies”
What matters in science diplomacy? That is the question that our new publication “The ‘Matters’ of Science Diplomacy: Transversal Analysis of the S4D4C Case Studies” aims to answer. To do so, the transversal analysis critically …

Elucidating what a science diplomat is
S4D4C welcomes the recent publication in Open Access of the article entitled “What Is a Science Diplomat?” and written by our S4D4C partner Lorenzo Melchor. This piece is part of the series of special articles …

The SCIENCE in Science Diplomacy: Perspectives from Peter McGrath from TWAS
There is no science diplomacy without the substantial involvement of scientists. Scientists know that and have increasingly shown more interests in science policy. However, most traditional scientific training does not prepare scientists to interact outside …

Science Diplomacy at the European “R&I Days”
The European Commission’s hosted its R&I Days (“Research and Innovation Days”) with a strong component on science diplomacy and international cooperation from 22-24 October. More information about the event is available on the dedicated website. …

Future-Casting Science Diplomacy: Twelve months of COVID-19: Shaping the next era of science diplomacy
Our associated partner, AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy, published a call for a special issue of its journal “Science and Diplomacy” entitled “Future-Casting Science Diplomacy: Twelve months of COVID-19: Shaping the next era of science …

S4D4C researchers providing actors’ perspectives – InsSciDE/The Hague Journal webinars
Our sister project InsSciDE organized a two-days webinar session titled “Actors’ perspectives: Science diplomacy and the cross-sectoral impacts of Covid-19″. In the 4 panels, different practitioners, scholars and stakeholders of science diplomacy discussed science diplomacy …