Month: August 2020

Careers beyond the lab: discussions at the European Science Open Forum
The bi-annual European Science Open Forum had been postponed from July to September and was carried out as one of the largest “hybrid” science events from 2 to 6 September 2020. More than 1000 people …

“Science Diplomacy and Global Challenges” at the ECPR General Conference
Our S4D4C partner Mitchell Young (Charles University Prague) organised a panel at the general conference of the European Consortium For Political Research (ECPR) on August 28, 9.00-10.45 CET. It is part of the section on …

S4D4C at the EASST/4S 2020 conference: STI, science diplomacy and international knowledge asymmetries
S4D4C presented a session on Friday, August 21, 3:00 to 4:40 pm CEST. STI, science diplomacy and international knowledge asymmetries In the frame of the conference theme “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of …

Building a Science Diplomacy Curriculum
Our colleague Marga Gual Soler (TWAS) co-authored an article with Jean-Christophe Mauduit, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy, University College London, London, United Kingdom in “Frontiers in Education” titled “Building a Science Diplomacy …

S4D4C contributions to The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Forum on Science Diplomacy in open access
Several S4D4C researchers have contributed to the Forum on Science Diplomacy which is available in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy put together by Pierre-Bruno Ruffini from the Faculty of International Affairs, University of Le Havre-Normandie, …

Stakeholder’s voices #6: A conversation with the Central European Initiative
For this stakeholder’s voice, we contacted Nina Kodelja, Deputy Secretary General, and Alessandro Lombardo, Senior Executive Officer of the Central European Initiative (CEI). The CEI is the first intergovernmental forum for regional cooperation ever established …