Month: February 2020

TWAS and AAAS call for applications for a course on science diplomacy
The call for applications of the 2020 AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy is open! The course is organized by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), a S4D4C partner, and the American Association for the Advancement …

S4D4C helps to build the science-policy nexus for sustainable development goals
Three main takeaways: The University of Bergen organised a science diplomacy workshop gathering experts and early-career researchers to discuss about how to bring scientific evidence to decision-makers in national and international settings S4D4C was invited …

S4D4C research on science diplomacy reflected in articles in “Forschung: Politik-Strategie-Management”
S4D4C partners Ewert Aukes, Stefan Kuhlmann and Tim Flink are proud to announce that two of their recent articles have now been published in the current edition of the journal “Forschung: Politik – Strategie – …