Month: January 2020

More training for science in diplomacy demanded at the European Parliament
On January 21, S4D4C had the chance to present its activities in an event for Italian Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in Brussels. The event was organised by school4SID, the “School for Science IN …

Tim Flink took part in a joint seminar of the European Research Council and the Research Executive Agency on Science Diplomacy
The European Research Council (ERC) is the European Commission’s body to fund and support high-quality research in Europe. It supports investigator-driven frontier research across all fields based on the principle of scientific excellence. As such …

S4D4C policy brief: Towards effective science diplomacy practice
Our S4D4C colleagues from the University of Twente, Ewert Aukes, Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros, Stefan Kuhlman, and Sanaz Honarmand-Ebrahimi have published another policy brief focusing on key premises for the development of effective governance mechanisms for science …