Month: September 2019

S4D4C’s Online Knowledge Resources Platform for Science Diplomacy launched!
We are very proud to announce that our Online Knowledge Resources Platform for Science Diplomacy is now available as part of the S4D4C website! Our aim for this platform is to offer a collection of …

Debating Science Diplomacy in the ‘Prague house’ in Brussels: Join S4D4C on October 15!
The Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO) together with Czech Centre Brussels are organising a debate about Science Diplomacy, highlighting also the S4D4C project and its results. On 15 October 2019, an …

Current European positions on science diplomacy – a focus on the win-win situations for global challenges
A recent publication of the European Commission (published on 23 September 2019) provides a comprehensive overview of what the European Union did for Research and Innovation (R&I) in the period of 2014-2019; and also highlights …

“Communicating Europe through Science Diplomacy” receives high interest at the Research and Innovation Days
A fully packed room was welcomed by Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and Maria-Cristina Russo, Director at the Directorate for International Cooperation at R&I Days’ session “Communicating Europe through Science Diplomacy” …

S4D4C results presented at two academic conferences in Sept
S4D4C contribution at the 13th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) in Wrocław, Poland. On 5 September 2019, Pauline Ravinet (University of Lille) and Mitchell Young (Charles University) took part in …

Open Notebook: Training activities and discussing the upcoming Horizon Europe programme
This week S4D4C members met in Trieste with a broad range of stakeholders, including also some of the colleagues from InsSciDE in a cluster meeting. The focus of that meeting, which was chaired by Marga …