Month: November 2018

Science in parliament: An interesting initiative on the sidelines of S4D4C
Our project partners at FECYT in Spain are one of the driving forces behind an initiative to improve the science advice infrastructure in Spain: „Ciencia en el Parlamento“ (Science in Parliament) brings scientists to the …

Policy brief on science diplomacy in the European Union
Tim Flink and Charlotte Rungius, our S4D4C colleagues at DZHW/Germany, have published our project’s first policy brief focusing on practices and prospects in European Union science diplomacy. With the European Commission making greater efforts in engaging …

S4D4C’s 1st Global Meeting
Our 1st S4D4C Global Meeting ‘EU Science Diplomacy Beyond 2020’ (see Programme and Speakers’ Corner sections) took place in Madrid between 12-14 December. We discussed global challenges from a multidisciplinary approach, bringing onboard the experience …